Monday, April 29, 2019

Latest Batch ...

... is winging its way to Sam with some young and powerful Montecristo no.4s (March 2018 box), the last of those magnificent short little Romeo y Julieta Petit Royales (Jul 17) - equally powerful and so well matched to a speyside scotch or similar...

and newly arrived H Upmann Epicure no.2 (singles don't have the box but max 1 yr old) in robusto vitola for an hour's pleasure, should be a tad gentler than the other two, probably a good accompaniment after a sunday roast and a few wines. 

And finally, a trio of Cohiba Shorts each for any time of day or night, a 20-30min habano punch made for espresso.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Montecristo A (...verybigcigar)

Greg sizing up his Coffin...
.. Prematurely ... there is still life in the old fella!!
And in the Lil' Fella too

It creates some problems for your usual accessories ...

But puts Life back into its proper Perspective...

... even Time slows down ... the planets start revolving around It (not You)