Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas greetings from St Auban sur l'Ouveze, on this day of our Lord's birthday - a gentle reminder of the importance to live life to it's fullest before one runs out of puff or that he returns in a blink of the eye before one has finished one's last puff. I have nonetheless been reassured after reading the scriptures that some words have been mistranslated and failed to capture the full flavour of the meaning contained within. For example, the world 'life' is actually a brand of cigar and so when Jesus says, I came to give you life, and life to the fullest, he was referring to a heavenly cigar brand and the latter part of the phrase would have been better translated 'of the fullest flavour'. I haven't the time now to extend the bible study but will get back to you at a later date.

P.S. 1 The wine was being coaxed past room temperature as the room was a bit cool. The name of the wine was 'Domain du Faucon Dored made by Lou Sanglier (very 'alcoholise' at 15%) and the cheese that is being caressed by my loving lips, was Beaufort with delightful tangy notes found in a mature gruyere.

P.S. 2 I was surprised to see Louisa's birth year inscribed in the brickwork.

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