Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hadley returns

There was a mule that trotted the globe. From the deep dykes of Holland to the golden strip of Vegas. There he discovered new pastures of grass in which he decided to bring some samples home. Thus, a humidor that I have been the caretaker of is now very much full. This mule's instructions were to enjoy these with all heretics that trot my way. Come and get'em!  


  1. oh goody, i'll have to stop by on my way to get the other mule, Greg, from the airport tomorrow!

  2. ha ha good work Hadley. Bit concerned about the dykes and golden strips - what kind of world tour was this???
    if you Orclanders want to share some, add a few of these cellophaners to greg's package and i'll fire them out to the rest of the lads for comment...

  3. Replies
    1. Nope, Greg will be around all year! We were just talking the other day and saying it'd be cool to have a cigar time with you sometime soon
