Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cigar Heretics: The Next Generation

Just to let you know that Sam, previously known as "Uncle Sam", is now also "Father Sam".

No he has not taken up the priesthood - quite the contrary - on Friday night Hannah gave birth to a healthy 3.3kg boy.

Anyway I think we should make some uninvited name suggestions so vote for your name of choice in the poll (...ok there might be a slight theme to all the poll names) and/or invent something and add it in the comments.

Should Sam & Hannah snub all of our no-doubt-brilliant offerings, then at least the Boy has his ready made cigar heretic pseudonym...


  1. awesome. I feel like if i called him fonseca he would end up constantly constipated! Romeo actually works in a way;though ambitious. Simon Bolivar would be the winner for me I think.

  2. i like the alliteration of the Fonseca one but i see what you mean - a bit cheap and anally retentive...

    Punch, Zino and Sancho definitely have that extra impact factor about them. Rafael, Alejandro, Francisco and Jose have a nice feel to them. Bolivar would make for a historically powerful but locally irrelevant 2nd name. Heretic or Heretico as a 2nd name would be a strong statement of anti-establishment feeling and of allegiance to the club - would earn you a place on the Club Honours Board and an extra cigar in the next batch i reckon.

    ... you can vote too you know, you have a proportionally small but relatively equal right in the naming of your son.

  3. Fidel after cuba's greatest smoker & all round nice guy.

  4. Fidelito Forde. i like. Scott suggested Castro to me today so great minds think alike.

    apparently samwise is closing in on a name so you'd better all get your votes in so as to create that last gasp 11th hour lobbying impact.

  5. failing the cigar names we could take hope in the great influential men who have advocated the brown stick - Clint E Forde, William C Forde, Arnold S Forde? or maybe a mix of both like Fidel Churchill Forde.

  6. Clint was a consideration i think. Greg does a good Clint Squint though, hard for a baby to match that one. Sam did a good Arnie in that churchill photo. Arnie Clint / Clint Schwarzy? Dirty Harry? (ooh yeah).

  7. Who hasn't voted? Based on current polling the name is:
    Simon Bolivar y Rafael Gonzalez de Romeo Punch! y Francisco Fonseca Forde

    almost as long as a brazilian name and suitably grand. Maybe that will do ?

  8. Sam, We, the Cigar Heretics of Aotearoa, do hereby endow your son with the title of:

    Simon Bolivar y Rafael Gonzalez de Romeo Punch y Francisco Fonseca Forde

    and nominate Fidel Castro to be his Cigar Father,

    in the expectation of his great feats for the advancement of the Heresy.

  9. Excellent. We can sprinkle him with the purest ash from a Bolivar when you're up in Auckland to seal the deal.

  10. How did you make the Uncle Sam picture?
