Monday, June 11, 2012

Cigar Legend of the Month - Angie

Real or Fakes? Angie advertises for a cigar website which is known for selling counterfeit cigars. [Notice that she wisely doesn't actually smoke the "montecristo" in the vid].

More importantly - what does that say about her own assets...? And will she be at the Heretics - Tamaki Makaurau Hot Tub Party on Wednesday night?


  1. I'd feel a little awkward with Angie flicking her hair around looking vacantly toward me.. with an unlit cigar. Who knows, maybe she'd be a little more conversational in the tub.

  2. "Rrrroel, could you give me some fuego for this puro, por favor?". And then you would fail, because the cigar would be too damp with all the steam [my tip for the night - leave cigar at arm's reach outside of tub fumes]. End of conversation.

    By the way, we will have a hangout at 8pm, if Hadley's wifi reaches his hot tub. Otherwise someone's video phone? I'll send out a link...

  3. Did you say Wednesday night. Ok I'll be there. Keep a place 4 me.
    Pepe Cafe.
    P.S. Tamaki Makaurau - which suburb? ...street? tub?

  4. Did you say Wednesday night. Ok I'll be there. Keep a place 4 me.
    Pepe Cafe.
    P.S. Tamaki Makaurau - which suburb? ...street? tub?

  5. wednesday as in tonight. hot tub is chez Hadley in the wop wops. Unlike in the hot tub, there is always more space in a google+ hangout... will put out the link now, won't be on it until 8pm...
