Friday, June 22, 2012

Icing on the cake...

Intrigued but the unlit fumes of this powerful scented cigar I had a half hour spare to light up. Pulling it out of the wrapper I was kicked in the nostrils with some massive vanilla bean fists. "go on try me" it said. Quick notes as follows

  • sweet
  • sweet
  • sweet with some sugar on the lips
  • cream and sweet and kind of what I was expecting
Never went out, even burn, nothing unpleasant and nothing spectacular. Overall, the most interesting thing was the sugary tip of tongue and lips moments at the beginning. This is not a review but just a quick post to say I tried the Greg cigar.


  1. good that you enjoyed it! one of my first ever proper sized cigars was a cognac coated one sold by and smoked in a bar in Dunedin - before they brought the smokefree bars in. the coating is nice and sweet on the lips and helps to mask generally average tobacco within... so serves a noble purpose. i've tried one earlier this week but it would...not...draw. but this encourages me to try another.

  2. k i tried one this morning after Matt also said that he enjoyed one. Result: it drew (phew!), the sticky vanilla coating doesn't quite last throughout (i ended up licking it before every puff which is a bit weird), but it produced nice velvety smoke with a bit of a blah sawdusty cheap nicaraguan/honduran type tobacco flavour. The vanilla coating and the thick creamy smoke helped to mask that though so all in all a decent enough coffee cigar. Does the trick
