Sunday, June 9, 2013


  1. paua overflowing... to be fair it must be said that that last pic can be dated to the end of another successful poker evening, attended by every single past and present member of the mighty Cigar Heretics.

  2. ... of the tamaki makaurau branch that is. I was the Whanganui a Tara rep - Wellyz RePreseNt!!

    During said poker evening, i smoked a young Monte 2 to test it out, it is NOT ready for consumption, so you can rest easy in the knowledge that a Montecristo no.2 is in the pipeline for you but Not Yet. Twas the equivalent of a whisky fresh from the still- I took one for the team and my tongue is still numb from it.

  3. Was a good hang Friday night. Nice cigars, beverages and banter. A little groggy the next morning though. The car even smelled of whiskey fumes and I'm putting that down to Hadley's lungs holding some for the ride home.

  4. What you can't quite see in that 2nd to last photo are the gazillions of tiny bugs that invade Sam's mansion's deck when it gets warm and you sit out there smoking. Look like sandflies but don't bite and seemingly survive by inhaling cigar smoke. Parasitus Cigarus Paininthearsus maximus.

    Also nobody has posted a picture/vid for the Bombones comp so i'll extend that until the end of June. Your expression of the Bombones ethos, whatever that is to you.

  5. Somewhere in that paua ashtray there is a failed Nub 464 handstand.
    Quite literally "Hand-stand" as it stood on Hadley's carefully equilibrated and not-at-all-whisky-inebriated hand for all of 1 second before tumbling in a cloud of ash.
